Search for Bible verses
- AAbandon
- Able
- About
- Above
- Accept
- According
- Adultery
- Afraid
- After
- Again
- Against
- All
- Alone
- Along
- Already
- Also
- Always
- Am
- Amen
- Among
- An
- Ancestors
- And
- Angel
- Angels
- Anger
- Angry
- Another
- Any
- Anyone
- Anything
- Approval
- Are
- Armies
- Around
- As
- Ask
- Asked
- Asking
- At
- Attention
- Authority
- Away
- BBack
- Baptized
- Be
- Became
- Because
- Become
- Been
- Before
- Began
- Beginning
- Being
- Believe
- Believed
- Believer
- Believers
- Believes
- Belong
- Belongs
- Best
- Better
- Between
- Birth
- Bless
- Blessed
- Blesses
- Blessing
- Blood
- Boast
- Body
- Born
- Both
- Bread
- Bring
- Brings
- Brothers
- Brought
- But
- By
- CCall
- Called
- Came
- Can
- Can’t
- Cannot
- Care
- Careful
- Carefully
- Cause
- Child
- Children
- Christ
- Church
- City
- Clean
- Close
- Clothes
- Clothing
- Clouds
- Come
- Comes
- Coming
- Command
- Commandment
- Commandments
- Commands
- Commit
- Compassion
- Confess
- Confident
- Continue
- Control
- Could
- Course
- Covenant
- Created
- Cross
- Crucified
- DDarkness
- David
- Day
- Days
- Dead
- Dear
- Death
- Declare
- Decrees
- Deeds
- Deep
- Delight
- Desires
- Destroy
- Destruction
- Devil
- Did
- Didn’t
- Die
- Died
- Disciples
- Discipline
- Do
- Does
- Doesn’t
- Doing
- Don’t
- Done
- Down
- Drink
- EEach
- Earth
- Eat
- Either
- Else
- End
- Endurance
- Enjoy
- Enough
- Enter
- Eternal
- Even
- Ever
- Every
- Everyone
- Everything
- Evil
- Except
- Experience
- Eyes
- FFace
- Fail
- Faith
- Faithful
- Faithfulness
- Fall
- Far
- Fasting
- Father
- Father’s
- Favor
- Fear
- Feet
- Fellowship
- Female
- Fight
- Filled
- Find
- Firm
- First
- Follow
- Food
- Fool
- Fools
- For
- Foreigners
- Forever
- Forget
- Forgive
- Forgiven
- Fortress
- Foundation
- Free
- Freedom
- Friend
- Friends
- From
- Fruit
- Full
- GGave
- Generous
- Gentiles
- Gentle
- Get
- Gift
- Give
- Given
- Gives
- Giving
- Glorious
- Glory
- Go
- God
- God’s
- Godly
- Going
- Gold
- Good
- Grace
- Gracious
- Great
- Greater
- Ground
- Grow
- Guard
- HHad
- Hand
- Hands
- Happen
- Hard
- Harm
- Harmony
- Harvest
- Has
- Hate
- Have
- He
- Head
- Healed
- Hear
- Heard
- Heart
- Hearts
- Heaven
- Heaven’s
- Heavenly
- Heavens
- Help
- Her
- Here
- High
- Highest
- Him
- Himself
- His
- Hold
- Holiness
- Holy
- Home
- Honor
- Hope
- House
- How
- Human
- Humble
- Humility
- Hungry
- IIf
- Immorality
- Important
- Impossible
- In
- Indeed
- Inheritance
- Instead
- Instructions
- Integrity
- Into
- Is
- Isn’t
- Israel
- It
- Its
- JJerusalem
- Jesus
- Jews
- Joy
- Joyful
- Judge
- Judgment
- Just
- Justice
- KKeep
- Keeping
- Kill
- Kind
- Kindness
- King
- Kingdom
- Know
- Knowledge
- Known
- Knows
- LLand
- Last
- Law
- Laws
- Lead
- Leads
- Learn
- Least
- Leave
- Leaves
- Let
- Lie
- Lies
- Life
- Light
- Like
- Listen
- Little
- Live
- Lives
- Living
- Long
- Longer
- Look
- Lord
- Lord’s
- Lose
- Love
- Loved
- Loves
- MMade
- Make
- Makes
- Male
- Man
- Many
- Master
- May
- Me
- Means
- Men
- Merciful
- Mercy
- Mere
- Message
- Messiah
- Might
- Mighty
- Mind
- Money
- More
- Morning
- Moses
- Most
- Mother
- Mouth
- Much
- Must
- My
- Myself
- NName
- Nation
- Nations
- Nature
- Near
- Need
- Neighbor
- Never
- New
- News
- Night
- No
- Nor
- Not
- Nothing
- Now
- OObey
- Of
- Off
- Offer
- Oh
- Old
- On
- Once
- One
- Only
- Or
- Orphans
- Other
- Others
- Our
- Out
- Over
- Own
- PPart
- Path
- Patient
- Patiently
- Pay
- Peace
- People
- Perfect
- Person
- Peter
- Place
- Plans
- Please
- Poor
- Possible
- Power
- Praise
- Praises
- Pray
- Prayed
- Prayer
- Prayers
- Praying
- Presence
- Pride
- Produce
- Produces
- Promise
- Promised
- Promises
- Prophets
- Prosper
- Protect
- Protection
- Proud
- Prove
- Pure
- Purpose
- Put
- RRaised
- Rather
- Reach
- Ready
- Real
- Realize
- Really
- Receive
- Received
- Refuge
- Regulations
- Rejoice
- Remain
- Remember
- Repent
- Replied
- Requirements
- Rescue
- Rest
- Result
- Return
- Revealed
- Reward
- Rich
- Riches
- Right
- Righteous
- Righteousness
- Rise
- Road
- Rock
- Run
- SSabbath
- Sacrifice
- Safe
- Said
- Salvation
- Same
- Save
- Saved
- Savior
- Saw
- Say
- Saying
- Says
- Scriptures
- Sea
- Search
- Secret
- See
- Seek
- Seen
- Self
- Send
- Sent
- Servant
- Servants
- Serve
- Set
- Sexual
- Share
- She
- Shield
- Shine
- Should
- Show
- Shows
- Sight
- Silver
- Sin
- Since
- Sinful
- Sing
- Sinners
- Sins
- Sisters
- Slave
- Slaves
- Small
- So
- Some
- Someone
- Something
- Son
- Songs
- Soon
- Sorrow
- Soul
- Sovereign
- Speak
- Speaking
- Special
- Spirit
- Spiritual
- Spoke
- Stand
- Stay
- Still
- Stop
- Strength
- Strong
- Such
- Suffer
- Sun
- Sure
- Surely
- TTake
- Taken
- Talk
- Teach
- Teaching
- Tell
- Telling
- Temple
- Temptation
- Test
- Than
- Thank
- That
- The
- Their
- Them
- Themselves
- Then
- There
- Therefore
- These
- They
- Thing
- Things
- Think
- This
- Those
- Though
- Thoughts
- Three
- Throne
- Through
- Throughout
- Time
- Times
- To
- Today
- Together
- Told
- Tongue
- Too
- Took
- Treasure
- Trouble
- Troubles
- True
- Truly
- Trust
- Trusting
- Truth
- Try
- Turn
- Two
- UUnder
- Understand
- Understanding
- Unfailing
- United
- Unless
- Until
- Up
- Upon
- Us
- Use
- VVery
- Victory
- Voice
- WWait
- Walk
- Want
- Wants
- Was
- Watch
- Water
- Way
- Ways
- We
- Weak
- Wealth
- Well
- Were
- What
- Whatever
- When
- Where
- Wherever
- Whether
- Which
- While
- Who
- Whoever
- Whole
- Whom
- Whose
- Why
- Wicked
- Widows
- Wife
- Will
- Wisdom
- Wise
- With
- Within
- Without
- Wives
- Woman
- Won’t
- Wonderful
- Word
- Words
- Work
- Works
- World
- Worry
- Worship
- Would
- Written
- Wrong
- YYes
- Yet
- You
- Your
- Yours
- Yourself
- Yourselves
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And yet, O Lord, you are our Father.We are the clay, and you are the potter.
We all are formed by your hand.